Harvest Attibele Cbse

School Policies

Holistic approach to education

All students at Harvest International School have the right to be treated fairly and with dignityIn an environment that fosters positive behaviour for learning, free from disruption, intimidation, harassment, and discrimination. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain high standards of discipline. Our school’s discipline policy aims to outline the responsibilities of teachers, students, and parents and outline strategies and practices to encourage positive behaviour and manage inappropriate behaviour.
Parents are responsible for supporting the school in the implementation of the school discipline policy and must communicate with school staff about their child’s behaviour and circumstances which may influence this behaviour

Expectations from students

Respectful Interactions with Teachers and Visitors
Students are expected to extend courteous greetings not only to their teachers but also to school visitors, demonstrating respect and appreciation for all individuals within our educational community.

Peer Interaction
Students must appreciate and value diversity, treating all individuals with kindness and empathy. Students must resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully, seeking assistance from teachers or counselors to address disagreements or misunderstandings.

Students are expected to be punctual to school and various events at all times. Students attending optional classes, libraries, or laboratories are expected to reach back within 5 minutes of the commencement of their next class. They are not allowed to loiter around unnecessarily. If found, loitering disciplinary action will be initiated.

Students are expected to take responsibility for their actions and their learning, including attending classes regularly, completing assignments on time, and participating actively in classroom/ school activities.

Students must prioritise their safety and of others by following all school rules and regulations, including those related to physical safety and the use of technology.

Digital Citizenship
Students are expected to demonstrate responsible digital citizenship by using technology and social media platforms appropriately, refrain from cyberbullying, sharing inappropriate content, or engaging in online activities that could harm themselves or others. Misuse of technology or social media will be addressed according to the gravity of the situation and the existing rules and regulations.

School Uniform
Students are expected to always wear the prescribed school uniform. Refer to the school uniform policy for the same. Students are expected to maintain personal hygiene and be well-groomed.

Maintaining Respectful Communication
Students are expected to refrain from using profanity, engaging in physical altercations, or engaging in derogatory remarks towards peers and staff members.

Adherence to Instructions
Students are required to comply with directives and follow instructions provided by school authorities at all times. School Almanac must be brought to school every day.

Engagement in School Activities
Active participation in school activities is mandatory for all students as this involvement contributes to a positive school environment and personal growth.

Participation in Field Trips and Inter-School Competitions
Students representing our school in field trips and inter-school competitions are expected to maintain exemplary behaviour, upholding the values of sportsmanship, respect, and responsibility, both on and off campus.

Maintaining a Tidy Environment
In adherence to the school’s discipline policy, students are expected to uphold cleanliness standards and refrain from littering. Damaging school property (furniture, walls, laboratory and digital equipment, school buses etc) is not permitted and will have to be compensated as per the decisions taken by the Management. Keeping our school environment tidy fosters a conducive learning atmosphere for all.

Enforcement of a Zero-Tolerance Policy
In order to maintain a safe and conducive learning environment, our school strictly prohibits the use or possession of chewing gum, cigarettes, deodorants, mouth sprays, cosmetics, vapes, and drugs on campus. Students engaging in such activities will face immediate disciplinary action which will include expulsion.

Timely Return to Class and Classroom Boundaries
Students are expected to promptly return to their classrooms after breaks and refrain from entering other classrooms or mingling with students from different grades. Students are not permitted to enter the Teachers’ Staff Room without the permission of a teacher or in the absence of a teacher in the staff room.

Ensuring Bus Safety
Students must prioritize safety, avoid vandalism, and prevent bullying while on the school bus. It is essential to maintain a secure and respectful environment for all students throughout the journey. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to enter classrooms or school buses.

Behavioural Expectations
Running, Shouting and loitering in unauthorised areas is not allowed. Bullying, Pranks and any form of violence against fellow students are grave offences, potentially resulting in expulsion.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity must be maintained in all assignments and other submissions made by the students. Using unfair means in tests or examinations is a serious offence, with repeated violations leading to strict disciplinary action.

Personal Belongings
The school cannot be held responsible for the loss of personal belongings. The collection of money for any purpose requires prior permission from the Principal.

Students may distribute candies or chocolates(without nuts) for birthday celebrations at school. Parents/ guardians are not permitted to send cakes, juices, gifts, return gifts or goodies for their ward’s birthday. The collection of money for gifting purposes is prohibited as is the distribution of birthday or event invitations.

During other class parties, it is advised to refrain from sending junk food and fizzy drinks. Non-vegetarian food and items containing eggs should not be sent to school.

Disciplinary Procedures

Verbal Notification
For minor infractions of school rules, such as tardiness or minor disruptions in class, students will receive a verbal warning from

Written Intimation
If a student continues to violate school rules after receiving a verbal warning, they will receive a written warning/discipline card outlining the infraction and the consequences of further violations.

Parent/Guardian Conference
If a student persists in their behaviour despite verbal and written warnings, a parent/guardian conference will be scheduled to discuss the situation and develop an improvement plan.

Students may be assigned detention for more serious or repeated infractions of school rules. During detention, students will be required to complete academic work or participate in other constructive activities under the supervision of a staff member.

In cases of severe or repeated misconduct, a student may be suspended from school for a specified period. During the suspension, the student will be required to complete assignments at home and not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities or school events.

In rare cases of extreme misconduct, such as violence, drug use, or other serious offenses, a student may be expelled from Harvest International School. Expulsion is a permanent removal from the school, and the decision will be made in consultation with school administrators, teachers, and the Management.

Harvest International School prioritizes the safety, well-being, and convenience of the students in every aspect of their educational journey. This transport policy is designed to ensure that students commuting to and from school experience a secure and efficient transportation service and are well informed of the guidelines for its efficient operation.

Safety First
Harvest School has implemented rigorous safety measures to guarantee a safe and secure transportation environment. All our vehicles adhere to the highest safety standards, with regular maintenance checks and are equipped with necessary emergency facilities. Trained drivers and supervisors are vigilant in ensuring the well-being of every student throughout the journey.

Efficiency and Convenience
The bus routes and stops are meticulously planned to minimize travel time and inconvenience for students and parents alike. With designated stops at safe and convenient locations, we aim to provide a seamless commuting experience.

Regulatory Compliance
Harvest International School is committed to complying with all local transportation regulations. All our drivers possess valid licenses and undergo thorough background checks. We ensure that our transport service operates within the framework of the law, prioritizing the safety and security of our students at all times.

Open Communication
Harvest believes in transparent and open communication with parents, students, and staff. A dedicated communication channel is established to address any inquiries, concerns, or feedback regarding the transport service. Parents are provided with contact information for the transport coordinator, ensuring prompt and effective resolution of any issues.

Continuous Improvement
Harvest International School is committed to harnessing technological advancements to continuously pursue its commitment to implement improvements aimed at enhancing safety and seamlessness. All the school buses are GPS enabled, all students have an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification is a technology that uses radio waves to passively identify a tagged object/person) chip embedded in their ID card to track their journey and all buses are fitted with cameras, apart from a trained bus assistant to assist the students during the journey.

The Harvest International School Transport Policy is a dynamic document that undergoes regular review and updates. We actively seek feedback from all stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and ensure that our transport service evolves in line with the changing needs of our school community.


RFID Enabled ID Cards
It is mandatory that every student wears their School ID card as it is embedded with the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and will be tracked from the time the student boards the bus till the time student alights at the school and vice versa. Parents will receive notifications on their registered mobile number at the start and end of the journey.

Timely Arrival
Parents are requested to ensure that their children are present at the school bus or designated pick-up point at least five minutes before the scheduled departure. In case of any delay in reaching the pick-up point, parents will bear the responsibility of transporting their children to school.

Bus Stop Allotment
The Transport Department retains the authority to allocate bus stops based on various factors, including the number of students, manoeuvrability at busy intersections, traffic conditions, and the overall convenience of the students.

Reporting Offenses
Should any discrepancies or issues arise concerning the conduct of the bus attendant or driver, parents are requested to promptly report such instances to the school management or transport department.

Return Journey Protocol
If no one is available to collect a student at the drop-off point, bus attendants are instructed to return the student to school. It becomes the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure the safe pick-up of their child from the school security office.

Bus Wait Time
The bus will wait at the pick-up point if the bus reaches ahead of schedule, ensuring that students have sufficient time to board. The school bus will not wait for any student beyond the scheduled pick-up time. Therefore parents are requested to adhere to the timings shared. No complaints regarding this policy will be entertained.

Late Arrival Caution
Parents are strongly advised against overtaking the school bus if their child arrives late at the pick-up point. If a child misses the bus, it is the parent’s responsibility to transport the child to school.

Bus Attendant‘s Guidelines
Bus attendants are strictly prohibited from accepting money for bus fees or engaging in tasks such as feeding students. Parents are requested to refrain from making such requests.

Student Conduct
It is incumbent upon parents to instill in their wards the importance of adhering to bus attendant instructions, maintaining decorum, and refraining from any unruly behaviour.

Disciplinary Action
Unruly behaviour, including but not limited to fighting, use of foul language, or damage to bus property, will result in disciplinary action including the withdrawal of the bus facility or any other disciplinary action that the Management may decide.

Boarding Permissions
Students are not permitted to board a bus other than the one allotted to them without explicit and written permission from the transport in-charges.

Informing Changes
Any requests for changes in bus arrangements must be communicated to the school authorities in writing.

Drop-off Points
Students will be dropped off only at the specified drop points and not at their doorstep.

Transport Slab
To determine the transport slab for wards, Harvest computes the distance between school and pickup/drop point as per the route taken by the school bus and not per online maps.

Stay Back/After School Activities
The transport department would identify and designate authorized drop points for after-school activities and stay-backs. Parents or authorized guardians are responsible for picking up their wards from the designated drop

Fee Defaulters
Those with outstanding fees will be restricted from utilizing the bus facility. Following due intimation, transport services will be withdrawn for non-payment.

Discontinuation Notice
Any decision to discontinue the school bus service should be communicated to the transport in-charge a month in advance and will only be allowed at the end of a term.

Change of Location/Route
Requests for a change in location or route will be considered, contingent upon availability of bus service and seating space.

All complaints regarding transport services should be channeled through the helpdesk for proper resolution.

Parents are earnestly requested to cooperate with drivers and attendants during unforeseen incidents leading to timing delays.

Written email requests from parents are mandatory for any alterations to pick-up or drop-off points.

Responsibility for Students
Transport authorities are responsible for students only up to the drop-off and pick-up points. Parents must appoint a trustworthy guardian to accompany students to and from these points.

Contact Information
Any changes in phone numbers or email addresses must be immediately communicated to the school and transport in charge to avoid miscommunication.

Students are expected to maintain cleanliness within the bus, refraining from littering or damaging the bus property.

Dispute Resolution
In case of problems, parents must not address other students or parents directly. Parents are encouraged to submit written complaints to the Transport Desk or email the School Transport – in – charge rather than engaging in disputes with bus assistants/ drivers.

Cooperation with Transport Manager
Parents are requested to cooperate with the Transport Manager, who works towards the collective interest of the entire student community.

Student Behavior
Learners must adhere to safety rules, remain seated while the bus is in motion, follow instructions, avoid unruly behaviour, and maintain cleanliness.

Annual Transport Fee Increase
The annual increase in transport fee will not exceed 10%, and the increase is to account for higher maintenance, staff wages and procurement of additional vehicles which in several cases operate at around 50% capacity to minimize travel time for the students.

Escalation Matrix
In cases of violations of the transport regulations by the students, a three-step escalation matrix is implemented, involving warnings, suspension, and eventual withdrawal of bus facility.

For any queries you can write to this mail id: transport@harvestinternationalschool.in

This laboratory policy outlines the rules and guidelines that all students must adhere to while using laboratory facilities at Harvest International School across all its campuses. The primary goal of this policy is to ensure the safety of all individuals, maintain the integrity of laboratory equipment, and promote a conducive learning environment for practical experiments and activities.

General Rules

All laboratory activities must be conducted under the supervision of a teacher or laboratory in-charge.

Students must read and understand the procedures to conduct the experiments before entering the laboratory.

Regular attendance is mandatory for all laboratory sessions. Absence without a valid reason will result in penalties.

Students must follow safe lab practices at all times. Any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.

Proper laboratory attire, including lab coats, safety goggles, and school shoes, must be worn during experiments.

Food and Drink
Consumption of food and drinks is strictly prohibited inside the laboratory.

Equipment Handling
Students must handle laboratory equipment with care and report any damages or malfunctions immediately to the supervising teacher.

Emergency Procedures
Students must familiarize themselves with emergency procedures, including evacuation routes and the location of safety equipment like fire extinguishers and first aid kits. In case of any emergency, students must inform the teacher – in – charge.

Safety Guidelines

Safety Equipment
Students must know the location and proper usage of safety equipment, including fire extinguishers, emergency showers, eyewash stations, and fire blankets.

Chemicals Management
Students must handle chemicals with caution, follow all safety instructions provided by the teacher. Students must avoid direct contact with skin and eyes, and use appropriate protective gear.

Electrical Safety
Students must not tamper with electrical outlets or equipment. Students must inform the teacher immediately in case of any electrical hazards.

Fire Safety
Students must keep flammable materials away from open flames or heat sources. In case of fire, students must follow evacuation procedures and notify the teacher or authorities.

First Aid
Students must report any injuries or accidents to the supervising teacher immediately. Basic first aid supplies are available in the laboratory.

Personal Hygiene
Students must wash hands thoroughly after conducting experiments, especially those involving chemicals or biological materials.

Laboratory Equipment

Proper Usage
Students must use laboratory equipment only for its intended purpose. Students must not misuse or mishandle any equipment.

Students must clean their workstation after each experiment. Students must return all equipment to its designated storage area.

Students must report any damaged or malfunctioning equipment to the supervising teacher promptly.

Consequence of Violations

Minor Infractions
Minor violations of laboratory rules will result in a warning from the teacher.

Major Infractions
Serious violations, such as endangering oneself or others, will result in disciplinary action, including suspension from laboratory activities or termination from school.

Repeated Offenses
Persistent disregard for laboratory rules may lead to further disciplinary measures, including exclusion from laboratory sessions and termination from school.

Loss of Privileges
Depending on the severity of the violation, students may lose their privileges to use laboratory facilities for a specified period.

Students may be required to compensate for any damages caused to laboratory equipment or property due to their negligence or misconduct.

Parental Notification
Parents or guardians will be informed of any significant violations of laboratory rules and may be required to meet with school authorities to discuss the incident.

Library Period
All classes from grade 1 onwards are provided with one library period per week.

Library Entry
All students must enter the library in a single line and be seated according to the direction given by the Librarian/teacher.

Absolute silence must be maintained in the library at all times.

Students must bring their school ID card with them to the library.

Personal books, stationary boxes/pouches, or belongings are not allowed in the library unless instructed by the librarian.

Prohibited Items
No food or beverages, bags, or electronic gadgets are allowed in the library.

Book Arrangement
Books must be returned to the appropriate shelf, and chairs must be arranged properly before leaving the library.

Borrowing Policy
All grade students are allowed to borrow books for a period of one week only during their library period. No transactions will occur during teaching hours.

Book Limit
Each student can borrow only one book at a time for a period of one week/7 days.

Book Returns
Students should return library books by dropping them in the return box provided.

Book Exchange
Students are not permitted to exchange library books with others.

Library books are not transferable, and students should refrain from exchanging them with others.

ID Sharing
Students should not share their school ID cards with others to borrow library books.

Reference Materials
Reference books and current periodicals are for in-library use only and may not be borrowed.

Students are encouraged to use bookmarks to mark their place in borrowed books.

Damaged Books
Books that are marked, disfigured, damaged, or lost must be replaced by the borrower within 15 days.

Damaged Books Handling
Students should not attempt to repair damaged library books themselves but should inform library staff.

Students who misbehave will lose library privileges.

Book Retrieval
The librarian may call for a book or library material at any time, even if the normal loan period has not expired.

No Dues Certificate
A ‘No Dues Certificate’ must be obtained before a Transfer Certificate is issued.

Wearing a school uniform generates a sense of belonging, bonding, pride, and loyalty towards the institution and fellow students. The purpose of implementing a uniform dress code is the promotion of equality, fostering a sense of belonging, minimization of distractions, safety and security, and cultural and religious sensitivity apart from enhancing the school image. The implementation of a uniform dress code at Harvest International School serves to promote a sense of unity, minimize distractions, and uphold the school’s values and image.

All students are required to wear the school uniform at all times, including the Parent Teacher Meetings, attending rehearsals at school and when representing the school at events or competitions outside school.

Dress Code for Students

  1. Students are expected to wear a Red and Grey/Grey polo T-shirt, indigo shorts/trousers/skort/skirt, and plain Black sports shoes to school every day except on the day of Sports classes when they must wear the House T-shirt, black track pants, and plain Black sports shoes. Students may wear only plain Black socks to school. Only the prescribed school jackets are allowed.
  2. Expensive branded shoes are not part of the school uniform regulation and are not permitted to be worn as part of the uniform. Students are permitted to wear the prescribed uniform shoes only. Shortening of T-shirt sleeves by students is not allowed. The T-shirt must be buttoned.
  3. Students of Pre-Primary to Grade 1 must deposit an extra set of clothes in a well-labelled bag, by the first week of the academic session.
  4. Students are allowed to wear coloured dresses apart from the school uniform on their Birthdays and specific days intimated by the school. Students are expected to maintain the modesty of dress. They should not wear ripped jeans. Girls should not wear cold shoulders, sleeveless shirts/tops, shorts, skirts above knee length and tight-fitting dresses. Boys above Grade 4 are not permitted to wear shorts or sleeveless T-shirts to school.
  5. Jewelry other than ear studs is not allowed and shall be confiscated. Multiple ear studs are not allowed. Boys must keep their hair short and without fancy haircuts. Girls with hair longer than the shoulder must tie their hair with a black hair band only and girls with hair above their shoulder have to clip the hair with black hair clips or hair band. All students must comb their hair neatly and be well-groomed at all times. Hair coloring, extensions, make-up, long nails, nail polish are not permitted in school and defaulters shall not be allowed to attend classes. Students from Grade IV and above are allowed to wear basic (digital or analog) watches. Fancy /Smart/Expensive watches are not permitted.
  6. Students are not permitted to carry any other school bag except the prescribed school bag issued from the school store. Students must adhere to the regulations as mentioned above. Any default in their turnout will be recorded in the School Almanac. Repeated negligence and non compliance with the school uniform policy and dress code will attract strict disciplinary action from the school and students will not be allowed to attend classes.

Ensuring regular attendance is paramount for academic success and school accountability. The Harvest School attendance policy outlines the following guidelines:

Students Arrival Time

Students must arrive at school by 8:15 AM. In the event of illness, parents should notify the school via email to the helpdesk ID and note the absence in the student’s almanac upon their return. For prolonged sickness, a Medical Certificate from an authorized medical practitioner must accompany the leave application.

School Calendar

Students are expected to attend school on designated working days as per the school calendar. Parents are urged to schedule vacations only during specified breaks to minimize academic and extracurricular disruptions.

Planned Absences

Planned absences require advance notification through the almanac’s leave record section or the help desk. Half Day leave of absence may be intimated through a note in the Almanac only.

Minimum Attendance

Regular attendance is mandatory, with students expected to achieve a minimum of 85% attendance as per the Central Board of Secondary Education’s affiliation Bye-Laws. Leave of absence is granted only upon prior submission of an application with plausible grounds.

School Events

Student attendance is compulsory during National Observances, Annual Day, Sports Day, and other significant school events.

Disciplinary Actions

Irregular attendance, unexplained absence, habitual tardiness, disobedience, or disruptive behavior are considered serious acts of indiscipline and may result in expulsion from the school.

Unauthorized Absences

Unauthorized absences exceeding 15 days imply a lack of parental willingness to continue the child’s education at Harvest International School. In such cases, one month’s notice for Transfer Certificate (TC) shall commence from the 16th day of absence, with applicable charges. Re-admission requires permission from the school management.

Infectious Diseases

Students diagnosed with infectious diseases must adhere to prescribed quarantine periods and provide a fitness certificate upon returning to school.

Special Classes

Attendance is compulsory for students of Grades IX, X, XI &XII during special classes held throughout the academic year. Students of these grades may also have after school classes as and when found necessary by the teachers.


Punctuality is highly valued at Harvest, and students arriving late must report to the school office/ Coordinator/ Class Teacher by submitting their ID car to mark the late arrival. A parent /guardian who wishes to take the ward from the school premises between school hours, must report to the School Office and sign the Early Leaving Register to take their ward.

Scheduled Assessments

Students are required to attend all scheduled assessments. Prior consultation with the Principal/Coordinator is essential if a student misses any assessment. Missed assignments due to absence must be completed by students. Consultation with the Principal/Coordinator is obligatory in case of missed assignments, with adherence to school guidelines for completion and submission.

This policy aims to foster a culture of regular attendance and academic engagement among students while upholding the standards of discipline and accountability at Harvest International School.

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